Boy, this is boring!!!

Questions? Jeffrey Hoyt (jchoyt[at]


Download: compile.bsh (Right click to download - it looks lousy in a browser)
Requires: Console plugin, Ant installed and runnable via the command line.
Description: I use ant for build, clean, execute etc. All required paths are defined in the build.xml file. To get easy access to ant I use a macro like the one below. The idea behind the macro: You usually start a build/clean/execute run when a buffer belonging to the project is showing. So I just use the current path and check if build.xml exists, if not go up the path until a build.xml is found. This way the correct build.xml is always found.

To make life easy, the first time you run the macro (or when the ant binary file can't be found), you are prompted for the location. This location is stored as a permanent jEdit property so you never have to deal with it again. The last target you used is stored as a temporary property so you can just run this macro (I recommend binding it to F10 or other favorite key) and return to repeat the last ant target. If you want to change targets (e.g., you finally successfully ran all your tests, now you want to create a jar), just run the macro and type your target and hit return. All very simple.

The Console plug in is required.

Credits: Gerd for thinking up this thing in the first place. He came up with the simple but brilliant idea of looking for the build.xml file based on the currently open buffer.

Gestures Plugin

Download: GesturePlugin-0.2.jar
Requires: Java 1.4, jEdit 4.2pre5
Description: The jEdit GesturesPlugin records mouse movements and executes code based on recognized patterns. To activate it, right click on a buffer and move the mouse. When you release the gesture is complete and if the pattern you traced matches a defined gesture, an action will be fired.

IMPORTANT: jEdit pops up a menu when the right mouse button is pressed (as opposed to pressed and released), so any gesture will have to work around the popup menu. It's annoying but not too bad. If there is interest, I'll work with Slava on getting something changed there.

Pre-defined patterns

The Gestures plugin has four (4) pre-defined patterns. The patterns with the action taken are as follows:

SpeedJava Plugin

Download: SpeedJava-0.5.jar
Description: Updated for 4.2 plugin API.